

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Daftar Tumbuhan Dilindungi di Indonesia

Daftar Tumbuhan Dilindungi di Indonesia Daftar tumbuhan yang dilindungi di Indonesia tertuang dalam Lampiran Peraturan Pemerintah No. 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis Tumbuhan dan Satwa. Dalam peraturan tersebut terdapat 58 jenis tumbuhan yang dilindungi di Indonesia. Selain berisi daftar tumbuhan yang dilindungi, lampiran peraturan pemerintah tersebut juga berisikan daftar satwa (hewan) yang dilindungi. Sayangnya, selain daftar tersebut hanya memuat sedikit jenis flora Indonesia, terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam penyebutan nama. Pun terdapat beberapa flora yang satu spesies tetapi ditulis sebagai spesies berbeda. Bahkan, dimungkinkan ada spesies fiktif. Daftar Tumbuhan yang Dilindungi. Berikut adalah daftar ke-58 tumbuhan yang dilindungi. Pada beberapa jenis flora saya tambahkan catatan sebagai keterangan dan penjelasan singkat hasil ‘investigasi’ saya akan spesies tersebut. Palmae; Tumbuhan dari famili Palmae (Arecaceae) atau palem-paleman yang dilindungi: Amorphophallus titanum yang merupakan anggota famili Araceae Amorphophallus decussilvae; Bunga bangkai jangkung; (Bunga bangkai tidak termasuk dalam famili Arecaceae (Palmae) melainkan dalam famili Araceae (talas-talasan). Nama ilmiah tumbuhan ini seharusnya Amorphophallus decus-silvae) Amorphophallus titanum; Bunga bangkai raksasa; (Bunga bangkai tidak termasuk dalam famili Arecaceae (Palmae) melainkan dalam famili Araceae (talas-talasan)). Borrassodendron borneensis; Bindang, Budang; (nama ilmiah yang benar Borassodendron borneense) Caryota no; Palem raja Ceratolobus glaucescens; Palem Jawa Cystostachys lakka; Pinang merah Kalimantan; (Nama ilmiah yang benar Cyrtostachys lakka; dan merupakan sinonim dari Cyrtostachys renda). Cystostachys ronda; Pinang merah Bangka; (Nama ilmiah yang benar Cyrtostachys renda. Menilik dari nama ilmiah C. lakka yang sinonim dari C. renda seharusnya kedua tumbuhan ini masih satu spesies atau jenis. Penjelasan lebih lengkap baca Palem Merah). Eugeissona utilis; Bertan. Johanneste ijsmaria altifrons; Daun payung; (Nama ilmiah yang benar Johannesteijsmannia altifrons. Tumbuhan ini lebih terkenal dengan nama Daun sang). Livistona spp.; Palem kipas Sumatera. Semua jenis dari genus Livistona; Nenga gajah; Palem Sumatera Phoenix paludosa; Korma rawa Pigafatta filaris; Manga. (tidak pernah tertera dalam literatur flora dunia). Pinanga javana; Pinang Jawa Rafflessiacea; Tumbuhan dari famili Rafflesiaceae (dengan satu huruf “S”) yang dilindungi: Rafflesia spp.; Rafflesia, Bunga padma. Semua jenis dari genus Rafflesia. Orchidaceae; Tumbuhan dari family Orchidaceae yang dilindungi: Anggrek larat (Dendrobium bigibbum) Ascocentrum miniatum; Anggrek kebutan Coelogyne pandurata; Anggrek hitam Corybas fornicatus; Anggrek koribas Cymbidium hartinahianum; Anggrek hartinah Dendrobium catinecloesum; Anggrek karawai. (tidak tertera dalam data LIPI maupun literatur anggrek dunia). Dendrobium d’albertisii; Anggrek albert. (tidak tertera dalam literatur anggrek dunia. Kemungkinan merupakan anggrek Dendrobium antennatum). Dendrobium lasianthera; Anggrek stuberi. (Anggrek ini dan Dendrobium ostrinoglossum merupakan satu spesies yang sama) Dendrobium macrophyllum; Anggrek jamrud Dendrobium ostrinoglossum; Anggrek karawai. (sinonim dari Dendrobium lasianthera. Jadi kedua anggrek ini (D. lasianthera dan D. ostrinoglossum) sebenarnya merupakan satu spesies yang sama) Dendrobium phalaenopsis; Anggrek larat. (sinonim dari anggrek Dendrobium bigibbum). Grammatophyllum papuanum; Anggrek raksasa Irian. (sinonim dari anggrek Grammatophyllum speciosum. Jadi antara anggrek G. papuanum dan G. speciosum sebenarnya merupakan satu spesies). Grammatophyllum speciosum; Anggrek tebu. (Antara anggrek G. papuanum dan G. speciosum sebenarnya merupakan satu spesies). Macodes petola; Anggrek ki aksara Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum; Anggrek kasut kumis. (sinonim dari Paphiopedilum victoria-regina). Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum; Anggrek kasut berbulu Paphiopedilum praestans; Anggrek kasut pita. (sinonim dari Paphiopedilum glanduliferum). Paraphalaenopsis denevei; Anggrek bulan bintang Paraphalaenopsis laycockii; Anggrek bulan Kaliman Tengah Paraphalaenopsis serpentilingua; Anggrek bulan Kaliman Barat Phalaenopsis amboinensis; Anggrek bulan Ambon Phalaenopsis gigantea; Anggrek bulan raksasa Phalaenopsis sumatrana; Anggrek bulan Sumatera Phalaenopsis violacose; Anggrek kelip. (Nama ilmiah Phalaenopsis violacose tidak valid kemungkinan anggrek yang dimaksud adalah Phalaenopsis violacea). Renanthera matutina; Anggrek jingga Spathoglottis zurea; Anggrek sendok. (Spesies tersebut sebenarnya tidak pernah tertera dalam literatur anggrek dunia). Vanda celebica; Vanda mungil Minahasa Vanda hookeriana; Vanda pensil. (Merupakan sinonim dari Papilionanthe hookeriana). Vanda pumila; Vanda mini Vanda sumatrana; Vanda Sumatera Nephentaceae; Tumbuhan dari famili Nephentaceae yang dilindungi: Nepenthes ephippiata, salah satu jenis kantong semar Nephentes spp.; Kantong semar. Semua jenis dari genus Nephentes; (Nama genus yang benar adalah Nepenthes) Dipterocarpaceae; Tumbuhan dari famili Dipterocarpaceae yang dilindungi: Shorea stenopten; Tengkawang. (Spesies tersebut sebenarnya tidak pernah tertera dalam literatur dunia). Shorea stenoptera; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea gysberstiana; Tengkawang. (Spesies tersebut sebenarnya tidak pernah tertera dalam literatur dunia. Kemungkinan merupakan Shorea gysbertsiana, nama ilmiah yang belum diakui). Shorea pinanga; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea compressa; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea semiris; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui dan beberapa ahli memasukkannya sebagai sinonim dari Hopea seminis. Shorea martiana; Tengkawang. (Spesies tersebut tidak pernah dalam literatur dunia). Shorea mexistopteryx; Tengkawang. (Spesies tersebut tidak tertera dalam literatur dunia). Shorea beccariana; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea micrantha; Tengkawang. (Spesies tersebut tidak tertera dalam literatur dunia). Shorea palembanica; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea lepidota; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Shorea singkawang; Tengkawang. Nama ilmiah ini belum diakui. Catatan atas Daftar Tumbuhan yang Dilindungi. Mencermati daftar tumbuhan yang dilindungi sebagaimana tercantum dalam lampiran PP No. 7 Tahun 1999 tersebut, Alamendah’s Blog memiliki beberapa catatan. Terlalu sedikit Spesies yang didaftar; Indonesia sebagai negara megadiversity memiliki kekayaan flora yang sangat banyak. Sekitar 60% dari total spesies di dunia terdapat di Indonesia. Sayangnya yang tercatat sebagai tumbuhan yang dilindungi hanya 58 jenis saja. Sehingga aneka tumbuhan langka lain justru luput dari peraturan ini. Tumbuhan Indonesia yang terancam punah mencapai ratusan jenis yang terdiri atas 2 spesies dengan status Extinct In the Wild (Punah di Alam Liar), 115 jenis berstatus Critically Endangered (Kritis), 74 jenis tumbuhan berstatus Endangered (Terancam), dan 206 spesies tumbuhan dengan status Vulnerable (Rentan). Sebagai contoh beberapa tumbuhan langka yang terdaftar dalam sebagai tumbuhan terancam punah oleh IUCN Redlist tapi tidak terdaftar sebagai tumbuhan yang dilindungi: Kawoli (Alloxylon brachycarpum) ; berstatuskan Endangered Kokoleceran (Vatica bantamensis) ; berstatuskan Endangered Berbagai spesies dari genus Dipterocarpus (meranti-merantian) Kesalahan memasukkan famili tumbuhan (salah mengategorikan); Terdapat dua spesies bunga bangkai (Amorphophallus decus-silvae dan A. titanum) yang digolongkan dalam famili Palmae (Arecaceae) atau palem-paleman, padahal keduanya merupakan anggota famili Araceae (talas-talasan). Kesalahan penulisan nama ilmiah; Penulisan nama-nama ilmiah yang keliru diantaranya adalah: Amorphophallus decussilvae (seharusnya Amorphophallus decus-silvae); Borrassodendron borneensis (Borassodendron borneense); Cystostachys ronda (Cyrtostachys renda); Johanneste ijsmaria altifrons (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons); dan Phalaenopsis violacose (seharusnya Phalaenopsis violacea). Satu spesies tertulis sebagai dua spesies yang berbeda; Menilik nama ilmiahnya bisa dipastikan beberapa spesies tumbuhan dalam daftar ini sebenarnya merupakan satu spesies namun dianggap sebagai dua spesies yang berbeda. Seperti: Cyrtostachys lakka dan Cyrtostachys renda (nama yang pertama merupakan sinonim dari nama ilmiah yang kedua); Dendrobium ostrinoglossum dan Dendrobium lasianthera (nama yang pertama merupakan sinonim dari nama ilmiah yang kedua); Grammatophyllum papuanum dan Grammatophyllum speciosum (nama yang pertama merupakan sinonim dari nama ilmiah yang kedua); Nama ilmiah spesies yang belum diakui secara internasional; sedikitnya 8 spesies dari genus Shorea di atas merupakan nama ilmiah yang belum diakui. Terdapat spesies fiktif; Sedikitnya 9 jenis tumbuhan yang dilindungi dimungkinkan merupakan flora fiktif karena tidak terdaftar dalam literatur, baik di Indonesia maupun di dunia. Tumbuhan-tumbuhan fiktif itu diantaranya adalah: Dendrobium catinecloesum; Dendrobium d’albertisii; Spathoglottis zurea; Pigafatta filaris; Shorea stenopten; Shorea gysberstiana; Shorea martiana; Shorea mexistopteryx; Shorea micrantha;

Chord dan Lirik Lagu Republik Patah Hati Dosa

Chord dan Lirik Lagu Republik Patah Hati Dosa D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa Intro : D Bm G Em A D Rap : D Bm G Em A D Salam ya salam Assalamualaikum Wahai kawanku Perkenankan kuceritakan resah gelisahku tentang betapa dekatnya jarak hidup dan mati di dunia ini Tentang kematian yang setiap saat bisa saja mendatangiku tanpa permisi Rap : D Bm G Em A D Astagfirullah Begitu banyak waktu yang kulewati dengan sia-sia Hingga tak ada sedikitpun ruang di hati kecuali hanya terisi dengan dosa Dosa kecil dosa besar semua bertumpuk seperti sampah yang setiap saat bisa menguburku dalam liang lahat hingga membusuk melebihi sampah, sampah, sampah Chorus D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa Rap : Bm G F#m A 2x Hingga suatu ketika kujatuh sakit Udara dingin terasa menggigit Dan kumerasa inilah akhir perjalanan hidupku yang begitu singkat dan hanya terisi dosa Takut mati takut mati Aku amat sangat takut mati Kumerasa neraka makin dekat dengan jiwaku Yang tak bisa melakukan apa-apa lagi Rap : D Bm G Em A D Alhamdulillah Segala puji bagi-Mu ya Allah yang masih memberi hamba-Mu waktu Tuk kembali kepada-Mu sungguh aku ingin melunasi semua dosa-dosaku yang tak mampu kuhitung satu demi satu Walau aku tahu takkan cukup waktu menghitung dosa-dosa yang melebihi ciptaan bintang-bintang-bintang-bintang Chorus D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa Rap : D Bm G Em A D Ra Maghrib, Ra Isya, Ra Subuh, Ra Dzuhur, Ra Ashar, Ra Poso, Ra Zakat, Ra Ngaji Sregep sing ngapusi Mendem saben mbengi Bojo gonta-ganti, nganti bingung sing ngopeni Kelingan neng omah yen ke-enthekan duit trus njaluk wong tua Alesan neko-neko nganthi ngapus Rap : Bm G F#m A 2x Sarunge mambu nganthi koyo kloso Dikumbah setahun pisan wae yen arep bodo Dasarane bocahe mbeleng, wayahe sholat malah pasang nomer Senin kemis poso susu Sasi poso malah dolanan susi susa-susu-susa-susi,susa-susu-susa-susi saiki susah, sesuk susah susi marak-ke susah Intro : D Bm G Em A D Chorus D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa D Bm Pantaskah aku ini G Em Jadi penghuni surga A D Sedangkanku banyak dosa sangat menyentuh hati buanget ni lagu

cara memakai jilbab

Jilbab adalah salah satu pakaian yang wajib dipakai oleh Muslimah. Cara Memakai Jilbab tentu harus Sesuai dengan Bentuk Wajah karena tidak semua wanita pas untuk memakai jilbab tertentu. Saat Memakai Jilbab, tentu Anda bisa melakukan modifikasi tujuannya agat kelihatan cantik dan modis. Namun, hal tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan bentuk wajah. Ini akan membantu Penampilan Cantik Anda, sehingga Anda semakin percaya diri. Nah, berikut adalah Cara Memakai Jilbab Sesuai Bentuk Wajah yang mungkin bermanfaat untuk Anda muslimah yang ingin memakai jilbab dan tetap terlihat cantik dan elegan. Berikut selengkapnya seperti yang dikutip dari sidomi: 1. Untuk Wajah Lonjong Pemilik wajah lonjong dapat memilih jilbab yang dimodifikasi dengan turban, sebab kesan lonjong di wajahnya akan membuat turban yang dililit di kepala tak nampak terlalu besar. Atau pun modifikasi jilbab dengan dalaman tumpuk, serta juntaian jilbab atau pashmina. 2. Untuk Wajah Bulat. Pemilik wajah bulat sebaiknya tak mengenakan jilbab yang menutupi semua bagian dahi. Pilih bahan jilbab yang lemas, agar jilbab ‘jatuh’ dan tak nampak tebal. Ini membuat wajah nampak lebih ramping. 3. Untuk Wajah Kecil. Pemilik wajah kecil dapat lebih bebas memodifikasi jilbab yang dikenakannya. Menggunakan turban, jilbab tumpuk, atau jilbab model klasik, semua pas. Untuk tak menambah kesan mungil, sebaiknya kenakan jilbab yang tak menutup terlalu banyak bagian pipi. 4. Untuk Jidat Besar. Menutupi sebagian jidat dengan dalaman bersilang beda warna, adalah trik yang paling ampuh. ayooooo para hijabbers tampilkan gayamu....

Masker Wajah Alami

Bagi wanita, Perawatan Wajah yang benar bisa menambah kecantikan yang terpancar indah. Salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan wanita dalam menjaga Kecantikan Setiap Hari adalah pemilihan Masker Wajah Alami yang benar dan tepat. Bahan alami tentu lebih aman dan sehat. Masker Wajah Alami berguna untuk mencerahkan wajah, mengatasi kulit berminyak, mengatasi kulit kering, dan juga berguna untuk memutihkan kulit dan Menghilangkan Jerawat, serta masih banyak manfaat lainnya. Banyak sekali Masker Wajah yang dijual di pasaran, tapi sebenarnya Anda bisa membuatnya sendiri di rumah dengan bahan-bahan yang alami. Cara membuatnya cukup mudah. Selain khasiatnya yang ampuh, tentu bahan alami yang dipakai juga tidak memiliki efek berbahaya bagi kulit. Berikut ini beberapa bahan untuk Masker Wajah Alami yang bisa Anda buat sendiri juga dapat diaplikasikan di semua jenis kulit. Berikut selengkapnya: Masker gula Masker gula ini termasuk yang paling sederhana, karena hanya membutuhkan dua sendok makan gula serta tiga sendok makan air hangat. Campurkan kedua bahan hingga merata, lalu gosok masker pada kulit wajah, hingga kadar airnya habis. Setelah itu basuh wajah dengan handuk yang telah direndam di air hangat. Layaknya scrub, masker alami ini dapat membantu mengangkat sel kulit mati pada kulit wajah, serta membantu kulit mengalami pengelupasan yang lebih alami dan aman. Selain itu, masker ini juga mampu membersihkan kulit hingga ke dalam pori-pori. Masker putih telur Campurkan dua sendok makan putih telur dengan dua sendok makan yoghurt tanpa rasa. Aduk hingga merata, lalu oleskan ke kutit wajah Anda. Setelah lima menit, basuh wajah dengan handuk yang telah direndam di air hangat. Manfaat masker ini adalah untuk menambah kelembapan serta kehalusan kulit wajah. Masker oatmeal Campurkan satu sendok makan oatmeal dengan satu sendok yoghurt tanpa rasa. Aduk hingga merata. Setelah itu teteskan dua hingga tiga tetes madu. Lalu campurkan kembali hingga merata. Oleskan masker tadi pada wajah Anda dan diamkan selama 10 menit. Setelah itu basuhlah dengan handuk yang telah direndam dengan air hangat. Selain melembapkan dan menghaluskan kulit, masker ini juga berfungsi untuk mengganti sel-sel kulit yang mati dengan sel yang baru, sehingga kulit Anda akan tampak bercahaya. buat cewe-cewe semoga sukses....

Resep Mie Ramen

Pernah menonton film kartun Naruto? Kalau Anda pernah menonton, Naruto sangat suka sekali makan Mie Ramen. Penasaran dengan makanan yang disukai Naruto ini? Mari mencoba Resep Mie Ramen berikut. Sebenarnya, tidak terlalu membuat Mie Ramen. Kita tinggal mengetahui bahan cara pembuatannya. Seperti halnya membuat Brownies Kukus. Berikut adalah Resep Mie Ramen selengkapnya: Bahan-bahannya : - 3/4 cup tepung - 1 butir telur - 3/4 sendok teh garam (atau sesuai selera) - 1 sendok makan air (tergantung air dan kelembaban) Adonannya bisa digunakan untuk 2 atau 4 porsi. Campur bahan adonan : Campur tepung + garam, buat lubang di tengah, masukan telur juga air pada lubang yang dibuat tadi, lalu campur pelan-pelan. Ngulet adonan Setelah adonan kurang lebih tercampur, angkat ke tempat yang bersih dan mulailah mengulet lagi. Adonan ini agak lebih lengket dari adonan roti. Adonan dikatakan siap jika tangan Anda menjadi lebih bersih dan adonan tidak lengket seperti sebelumnya. Jika benar, seharusnya Anda bisa mengangkat tangan Anda dan adonan akan turun dalam 1-2 detik. Jika terlalu lengket, tambahkan tepung dan ulet lagi. Jika tidak lengket, tambahkan beberapa tetes air. Istirahatkan adonan Adonan perlu diistirahatkan sebelum dibentuk / dimelarkan. Bila tidak, mienya akan jelek dan tipis. Selimuti adonan dengan kain serbet dan diamkan sekitar 30 menit. Memotong mie Ambil adonan (jika Anda membuat 2 atau 3 porsi, bagi menjadi 1 porsi. Kalau tidak, Anda akan dapat 1 bola adonan yang besar). Taburkan tepung pada adonan, ambil gilingan dan mulailah menggiling adonan. Bila ada mesin yang biasa digunakan pedagang molen, bisa dipakai. Jika bisa, ketebalan mie nya sekitar 1mm. Jika mulai lengket, taburi tepung lagi. Potong adonan jadi mie Ambil talenan dan taruh adonan di atasnya. Taburi tepung agar tidak lengket karena kalau lengket ramen tidak bisa mengembang. Gunakan mesin untuk mencetak mie. Fungsi tepung di sini selain agar tidak lengket, juga menjaga agar mie-nya tidak lepas. Sambil memotong, siapkan air dan didihkah. Masak mie-nya Setelah air mendidih, beri garam dan cerai beraikan mie menggunakan sumpit. Bila diletakkan begitu saja, mie akan lengket jadi satu, jadi aduk mie-nya dengan sumpit. Selama air banyak dan masih mendidih, seharusnya mienya mulai mengembang dan mengapung. Rebis mie sekitar 4 menit. Jika sudah terasa lembut dan kenyal, angkat mie. Ramen Anda sudah jadi! Nah, mudah bukan. Semoga informasi tentang Resep Mie Ramen di atas bermanfaat untuk Anda. Selamat mencoba semoga sukses.......

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1B0C2-NOGKB-AH0DH-W8R3C S89JW-J3KDR-KBHW5-RMQ8H QVD3H-ZY9K1-GW94Z-XOLQS 1XL56-8BB1L-TTQII-89DFX X33SI-6BW37-SQG4D-FGN8M 1O6SO-LOOFL-ZFW66-EIF97 UXX3S-9N0NT-M74X0-DESMI W3J5U-8U66N-D0B9M-54SLM EC0Q6-QN7UH-5S3JB-YZMEK GZLJY-X50S3-0S20D-NFRF9 stall... kalo ada peringatan fake serial atau disuruh register abaikan dulu / klik cancel. Lalu perhatikan cara berikut : 1. Hal pertama yg harus kita lakukan adalah mematikan / memutuskan koneksi internet komputer kita. 2. Setelah itu isi registration. First name, last name, dan email terserah kita. Untuk serial number gunakan (pilih salah satu) : 1B0C2-NOGKB-AH0DH-W8R3C S89JW-J3KDR-KBHW5-RMQ8H QVD3H-ZY9K1-GW94Z-XOLQS 1XL56-8BB1L-TTQII-89DFX X33SI-6BW37-SQG4D-FGN8M 1O6SO-LOOFL-ZFW66-EIF97 UXX3S-9N0NT-M74X0-DESMI W3J5U-8U66N-D0B9M-54SLM EC0Q6-QN7UH-5S3JB-YZMEK GZLJY-X50S3-0S20D-NFRF9 Lalu klik OK 3. Buka windows explorer, cari file bernama hosts di C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Buka file hosts tersebut dengan notepad. 4. Lalu copas code berikut : tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com www.secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com Letakkan dibawah tulisan localhost Setelah itu save (Ctrl S). 5. Nyalakan kembali koneksi internet. Beress... IDM kita sudah full version... tanpa harus menggunakan crack (^_^) Dipake buat download nggak ada masalah... normal seperti biasa... (^_^) Selamat mencoba... dan ucapkan selamat tinggal kepada crack... hahahaa... (^_^) Tambahan : 1. Kalo file hosts nggak ketemu, ada kemungkinan terhidden. Aktifkan view hidden files di windows explorer. 2. Untuk pengguna windows vista / windows 7, ada beberapa cara edit file hosts nya : - Copy file hosts ke drive lain selain drive C, edit dengan notepad kemudian save, copy paste file tersebut ke tempat asal folder file hosts - Edit nya via administrator - Edit nya via safe mode 3. Karena kita telah mem-block main download server IDM (mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com), maka untuk mendownload versi terbaru dari IDM, pilih download from Cnet, atau dari Mirror Site yg ada selamat mencobanya eaaaaa
Jenis-jenis Jaringan Komputer Secara umum jaringan komputer dapat dibedekan lima jenis yang terdiri dari : 1. LAN ( Local Area Network ) Local Area Network (LAN) merupakan jaringan milik pribadi di dalam sebuah gedung atau kampus yang berukuran sampai beberapa kilometer. LAN seringkali digunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer-komputer pribadi dan workstation dalam kantor perusahaan atau pabrik-pabrik untuk memakai bersama resource (misalnya, printer, scanner) dan saling bertukar informasi. LAN dapat dibedakan dari jenis jaringan lainnya berdasarkan tiga karakteristik: ukuran, teknologi transmisi dan topologinya. LAN mempunyai ukuran yang terbatas, yang berarti bahwa waktu transmisi pada keadaan terburuknya terbatas dan dapat diketahui sebelumnya. Dengan mengetahui keterbatasnnya, menyebabkan adanya kemungkinan untuk menggunakan jenis desain tertentu. Hal ini juga memudahkan manajemen jaringan. LAN seringkali menggunakan teknologih transmisi kabel tunggal. LAN tradisional beroperasi pada kecepatan mulai 10 sampai 100 Mbps (mega bit/detik) dengan delay rendah (puluhan mikro second) dan mempunyai faktor kesalahan yang kecil. LAN-LAN modern dapat beroperasi pada kecepatan yang lebih tinggi, sampai ratusan megabit/detik. 2. MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network ) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) pada dasarnya merupakan versi LAN yang berukuran lebih besar dan biasanya memakai teknologi yang sama dengan LAN. MAN dapat mencakup kantor-kantor perusahaan yang berdekatan dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan pribadi (swasta) atau umum. MAN biasanya mamapu menunjang data dan suara, dan bahkan dapat berhubungan dengan jaringan televisi kabel. MAN hanya memiliki sebuah atau dua buiah kabel dan tidak mempunyai elemen switching, yang berfungsi untuk mengatur paket melalui beberapa output kabel. Adanya elemen switching membuat rancangan menjadi lebih sederhana. Alasan utama memisahkan MAN sebagai kategori khusus adalah telah ditentukannya standart untuk MAN, dan standart ini sekarang sedang diimplementasikan. Standart tersebut disebut DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus) atau 802.6 menurut standart IEEE. DQDB terdiri dari dua buah kabel unidirectional dimana semua komputer dihubungkan, seperti ditunjukkan pada gambar 1.2. Setiap bus mempunyai sebuah head–end, perangkat untuk memulai aktivitas transmisi. Lalulintas yang menuju komputer yang berada di sebelah kanan pengirim menggunakan bus bagian atas. Lalulintas ke arah kiri menggunakan bus yang berada di bawah. 3. WAN ( Wide Area Network ) Wide Area Network (WAN) mencakup daerah geografis yang luas, sertingkali mencakup sebuah negara atau benua. WAN terdiri dari kumpulan mesin yang bertujuan untuk mejalankan program-program aplikasi. Kita akan mengikuti penggunaan tradisional dan menyebut mesin-mesin ini sebagai host. Istilah End System kadang-kadang juga digunakan dalam literatur. Host dihubungkan dengan sebuah subnet komunikasi, atau cukup disebut subnet. Tugas subnet adalah membawa pesan dari host ke host lainnya, seperti halnya sistem telepon yang membawa isi pembicaraan dari pembicara ke pendengar. Dengan memisahkan aspek komunikasi murni sebuah jaringan (subnet) dari aspek-aspek aplikasi (host), rancangan jaringan lengkap menjadi jauh lebih sederhana. Pada sebagian besar WAN, subnet terdiri dari dua komponen, yaitu kabel transmisi dan elemen switching. Kabel transmisi (disebut juga sirkuit, channel, atau trunk) memindahkan bit-bit dari satu mesin ke mesin lainnya. Element switching adalah komputer khusus yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua kabel transmisi atau lebih. Saat data sampai ke kabel penerima, element switching harus memilih kabel pengirim untuk meneruskan pesan-pesan tersebut. Sayangnya tidak ada terminologi standart dalam menamakan komputer seperti ini. Namanya sangat bervariasi disebut paket switching node, intermidiate system, data switching exchange dan sebagainya. 4. Jaringan Tanpa Kabel Komputer mobile seperti komputer notebook dan personal digital assistant (PDA), merupakan cabang industri komputer yang paling cepat pertumbuhannya. Banyak pemilik jenis komputer tersebut yang sebenarnya telah memiliki mesin-mesin desktop yang terpasang pada LAN atau WAN tetapi karena koneksi kabel tidaklah mungkin dibuat di dalam mobil atau pesawat terbang, maka banyak yang tertarik untuk memiliki komputer dengan jaringan tanpa kabel ini. Jaringan tanpa kabel mempunyai berbagai manfaat, yang telah umum dikenal adalah kantor portable. Orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan seringkali ingin menggunakan peralatan elektronik portable-nya untuk mengirim atau menerima telepon, fax, e-mail, membaca fail jarak jauh login ke mesin jarak jauh, dan sebagainya dan juga ingin melakukan hal-hal tersebut dimana saja, darat, laut, udara. 5. Internet Sebenarnya terdapat banyak jaringan didunia ini, seringkali menggunakan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang berbeda-beda. Orang yang terhubung ke jaringan sering berharap untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang lain yang terhubung ke jaringan lainnya. Keinginan seperti ini memerlukan hubungan antar jaringan yang seringkali tidak kampatibel dan berbeda. Biasanya untuk melakukan hal ini diperlukan sebuah mesin yang disebut gateway guna melakukan hubungan dan melaksanakan terjemahan yang diperlukan, baik perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunaknya. Kumpulan jaringan yang terinterkoneksi inilah yang disebut dengan internet. Jaringan komputer saat ini diterapkan hampir dalam semua tempat seperti: bank, perkantoran, universitas, rumah sakit, bidang pariwisata, hotel, dan bahkan rumah. Semua ini diawali dengan komputerisasi. Komputerisasi memberikan kemudahan dalam penyelesaian banyak tugas dan meningkatkan kebutuhan untuk saling berbagi informasi antar bagian terkait, dan kebutuhan untuk pengamanan dan penyimpanan data. Kebutuhan tersebut kemudian dijawab oleh teknolgi jaringan komputer. Hingga saat ini jaringan komputer sudah menjadi kebutuhan umum masyarakat, dan karena itu pemahaman dasar tentang jaringan komputer diperlukan, terutama bagi orang-orang yang berkecimpung dalam dunia teknolgi informasi.

pengertian perangkt lunak

Perangkat lunak adalah istilah umum untuk data yang diformat dan disimpan secara digital, termasuk program komputer, dokumentasinya, dan berbagai informasi yang bisa dibaca dan ditulis oleh komputer. Dengan kata lain, bagiansistem komputer yang tidak berwujud. Istilah ini menonjolkan perbedaan dengan perangkat keras komputer.[1][2][3] Di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh macam perangkat lunak, yaitu:  Perangkat lunak aplikasi (application software) seperti pengolah kata,lembar tabel hitung, pemutar media, dan paket aplikasi perkantoran sepertiOpenOffice.org.  Sistem operasi (operating system) misalnya Ubuntu.  Perkakas pengembangan perangkat lunak (software development tool) seperti Kompilator untuk bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi seperti Pascaldan bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah yaitu bahasa rakitan.  Pengendali perangkat keras (device driver) yaitu penghubung antara perangkat perangkat keras pembantu dan komputer adalah software yang banyak dipakai di swalayan dan juga sekolah, yaitu penggunaan barcode scanner pada aplikasi database lainnya.[4]  Perangkat lunak menetap (firmware) seperti yang dipasang dalam jam tangan digital dan pengendali jarak jauh.  Perangkat lunak bebas (free 'libre' software) dan Perangkat lunak sumber terbuka (open source software)  Perangkat lunak gratis (freeware)  Perangkat lunak uji coba (shareware / 'trialware)  Perangkat lunak perusak (malware)


A. KOMPUTER GENERASI PERTAMA Komputer generasi pertama mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : - Komponen yang dipergunakannya adalah tabung hampa udara (Vacum tube) untuk sirkuitnya. - Program hanya dapat dibuat dengan bahasa mesin : Assembler. - Ukuran fisik komputer besar, memerlukan ruangan yang luas. - Cepat panas. - Proses kurang cepat. - Kapasitas penyimpanan kecil. - Memerlukan dya listrik yang besar. - Orientasi pada aplikasi bisnis. Gambar 2.1 Komputer Generasi Pertama. Dengan terjadinya Perang Dunia Kedua,negara-negara yang terlibat dalam perang tersebut berusaha mengembangkan komputer untuk mengeksploitasi potensi strategis yang dimiliki komputer.Hal ini tentu saja meningkatkan pendanaan pengembangan komputer serta mempercepat kemajuan teknik komputer.Pada tahun 1941, Konrad Zuse, seorang insinyur Jerman membangun sebuah Komputer Z3, untuk mendisain pesawat terbang dan peluru kendali. Pihak sekutu juga membuat kemajuan lain dalam pengembangan kekuatan komputer. Pada Tahun 1943, pihak Inggris menyelesaikan komputer pemecah kode Rahasia yang dinamakan Colossus yang berfungsi untuk memecahkan kode-rahasia yang digunakan Jerman.Dampak pembuatan Colossus ini tidak terlalu mempengaruhi perkembangan industri komputer dikarenakan dua alasan.Pertama, colossus bukan merupakan komputer serbaguna (general-purpose computer), ia hanya didisain untuk memecahkan kode rahasia. Kedua,keberadaan mesin ini dijaga kerahasiaannya hingga satu dekade setelah perang berakhir. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh pihak Amerika pada saat itu menghasilkan suatu kemajuan lain. Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973), seorang insinyur Harvard yang bekerja sama dengan IBM, berhasil memproduksi kalkulator elektronik untuk US Navy. Kalkulator tersebut berukuran panjang setengah lapangan bola kaki dan memiliki rentang kabel sepanjang 500 mil.The Harvd-IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, Perkembangan computer lain pada masa ini adalah Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), yang dibuat oleh kerjasama antara pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan University of Pennsylvania.Terdiri dari 18.000 tabung vakum, 70.000 resistor, dan 5 juta titik solder,Komputer tersebut merupakan mesin yang sangat besar yang mengkonsumsi daya sebesar 160kW. Komputer ini dirancang oleh John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) dan John W. Mauchly (1907-1980),ENIAC merupakan komputer serbaguna (general purpose computer) yang bekerja 1000 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan Mark I.Pada pertengahan tahun 1940-an, John von Neumann (1903-1957) bergabung dengan Tim University of Pennsylvania dalam usaha membangun konsep desain komputer yang hingga 40 tahun mendatang masih dipakai dalam teknik komputer. B. KOMPUTER GENERASI KEDUA Komputer generasi kedua mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : - Sirkutinya berupa transistor - Program dapat dibuat dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi (high level language), seperti FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL - Kapasitas memori utama sudah cukup besar - Ukuran fisik komputer lebih kecil dari komputer generasi pertama - Proses operasi sudah cepat - Membutuhkan lebih sedikit daya listrik - berorientasi pada bisnis dan teknik Gambar 3.1 Komputer generasi kedua Pada tahun 1948, penemuan transistor sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan komputer. Transistor menggantikan tube vakum di televisi, radio, dan komputer. Akibatnya, ukuran mesin-mesin elektrik berkurang drastis. Transistor mulai digunakan di dalam komputer mulai pada tahun 1956. Penemuan lain yang berupa pengembangan memori inti-magnetik membantu pengembangan komputer generasi kedua yang lebih kecil, lebih cepat, lebih dapat diandalkan, dan lebih hemat energi Dibanding para pendahulunya. Mesin pertama yang memanfaatkan teknologi baru ini adalah superkomputer. IBM membuat superkomputer bernama Stretch, dan Sprery-Rand membuat komputer bernama LARC. Komputer ini, yang dikembangkan untuk laboratorium energi atom, dapat menangani sejumlah besar data, sebuah kemampuan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh peneliti atom. Program yang tersimpan di dalam komputer dan bahasa pemrograman yang ada di dalamnya memberikan fleksibilitas kepada komputer. Fleksibilitas ini meningkatkan kinerja dengan harga yang pantas bagi penggunaan bisnis. Dengan konsep ini, komputer dapa tmencetak faktur pembelian konsumen dan kemudian menjalankan desain produk atau menghitung daftar gaji. Beberapa bahasa pemrograman mulai bermunculan pada saat itu. Bahasa pemrograman Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL)dan Formula Translator (FORTRAN) mulai umum digunakan. Bahasa pemrograman ini menggantikan kode mesin yang rumit dengan kata-kata, kalimat, dan formula matematika yang lebih mudah dipahami oleh manusia. Hal ini memudahkan seseorang untuk memprogram dan mengatur komputer. Berbagai macam karir baru bermunculan (programmer, analyst, dan ahli sistem komputer). Industri piranti lunak juga mulai bermunculan dan berkembang pada masa komputer generasi kedua ini. C. KOMPUTER GENERASI KETIGA Komputer generasi ketiga mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : - Komponen yang digunakan adalah IC (Integrated Circuits) - Peningkatan dari softwarenya - Pemrosesan lebh cepat - Kapasitas memori lebih besar - Penggunaan listrik lebih hemat - Bentuk fisik lebih kecil - Harga semakin murah Gambar 4.1 Komputer generasi ketiga Walaupun transistor dalam banyak hal mengungguli tube vakum, namun transistor menghasilkan panas yang cukup besar, yang dapat berpotensi merusak bagian-bagian internal komputer. Batu kuarsa (quartz rock) menghilangkan masalah ini. Jack Kilby, seorang insinyur di Texas Instrument, mengembangkan sirkuit terintegrasi (IC :integrated circuit) di tahun 1958. IC mengkombinasikan tiga komponen elektronik dalam sebuah piringan silikon kecil yang terbuat dari pasir kuarsa. Pada ilmuwan kemudian berhasil memasukkan lebih banyak komponen-komponen ke dalam suatu chip tunggal yang disebut semikonduktor. Hasilnya, komputer menjadi semakin kecil karena komponenkomponen dapat dipadatkan dalam chip. Kemajuan komputer generasi ketiga lainnya adalah penggunaan sistem operasi (operating system) yang memungkinkan mesin untuk menjalankan berbagai program yang berbeda secara serentak dengan sebuah program utama yang memonitor dan mengkoordinasi memori komputer. D. KOMPUTER GENERASI KEEMPAT Komputer generasi keempat mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut: - Komponen utamanya sudah menggunakan LSI (Large Scale Integration) atau disebut juga dengan Bipolar Large Scale Integration yaitu sebuah chip yang berisi ribuan IC (Integrated Circuit) dan setelah itu LSI tadi dikembangkan menjadi VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) - -Dikembangkan komputer mikro yang menggunakan micro processor dansemiconductor yang berbentuk chip untuk memori komputer. Gambar 5.1 Komputer generasi keempat Setelah IC, tujuan pengembangan menjadi lebih jelas: mengecilkan ukuran sirkuit dan komponenkomponen elektrik. Large Scale Integration (LSI) dapat memuat ratusan komponen dalam sebuah chip. Pada tahun 1980-an, Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) memuat ribuan komponen dalam sebuah chip tunggal. Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) meningkatkan jumlah tersebut menjadi jutaan. Pada pertengahan tahun 1970-an, perakit komputer menawarkan produk komputer mereka ke masyarakat umum. Komputer-komputer ini, yang disebut minikomputer, dijual dengan paket piranti lunak yang mudah digunakan oleh kalangan awam. Pada tahun 1981, IBM memperkenalkan penggunaan Personal Computer (PC) untuk penggunaan di rumah, kantor, dan sekolah. Komputer melanjutkan evolusinya menuju ukuran yang lebih kecil, dari komputer yang berada di atas meja (desktop computer) menjadi komputer yang dapat dimasukkan ke dalam tas (laptop), atau bahkan komputer yang dapat digenggam (palmtop). IBM PC bersaing dengan Apple Macintosh dalam memperebutkan pasar komputer. Seiring dengan bertambah kuatnya suatu komputer kecil, komputer-komputer tersebut dapat dihubungkan secara bersamaan dalam suatu jaringan untuk saling berbagi memori, piranti lunak, informasi, dan juga untuk dapat saling berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lainnya. E. KOMPUTER GENERASI KELIMA Komputer generasi kelima mempunyai cirri-ciri sebagai berikut : - Komponen yang digunakan adalah VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) - Komputer pada generasi ini akan dikembangkan komputer yang dapat menterjemahkan bahasa manusia, bercakap-cakap dengan manusia, dapat melakukan diagnosa penyakit yang lebih akurat Gambar 6.1 Komputer generasi kelimaadalah komputer fiksi HAL9000 dari novel karya Arthur C. Clarke berjudul 2001:Space Odyssey. HAL menampilkan seluruh fungsi yang diinginkan dari sebuah komputer generasi kelima. Dengan kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence), HAL dapat cukup memiliki nalar untuk melakukan percapakan dengan manusia, menggunakan masukan visual, dan belajar dari pengalamannya sendiri. Walaupun mungkin realisasi HAL9000 masih jauh dari kenyataan, banyak fungsi-fungsi yang dimilikinya sudah terwujud. Beberapa komputer dapat menerima instruksi secara lisan dan mampu meniru nalar manusia. Lembaga ICOT (Institute for new Computer Technology) juga dibentuk untuk merealisasikannya. Banyak kabar yang menyatakan bahwa proyek ini telah gagal, namun beberapa informasi lain bahwa keberhasilan proyek komputer generasi kelima ini akan membawa perubahan baru paradigma komputerisasi di dunia. Kita tunggu informasi mana yang lebih valid dan membuahkan hasil. Mendefinisikan komputer generasi kelima menjadi cukup sulit karena tahap ini masih sangat muda. Contoh imajinatif komputer gener

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Cara Pasang Video di Blog Dalam postingan kali ini saya Mudhofar Akan Membahas Cara Pasang Video Di Blog.HEHEHE...Cara pasang video di blog Cukup Mudah Yaitu tinggal kunjungi saja situs-situs penyedia video Misalnya Saja YOUTUBE Tinggal Copy paste saja kode Embed nya Mudahkan ? Atau Anda ingin posting video koleksi sendiri tinggal daftar saja di youtube . Klik menu signup Setelah itu isi form pendaftaran . setelah selesai Klik menu upload . tinggal upload video koleksi pribadi anda Dan copy paste kode embednya : Mudah Bukan.......... Silahkan mencoba sendiri.............. good luck
Developmental and Evaluative Contextual Usage of Peer Assessment of Research Presentations in a Graduate Tax Accounting Course Roger Lirely Professor of Accounting The University of Texas at Tyler 3900 University Blvd Tyler, Texas 75799 USA Kerri M. Keech Assistant Professor of Marketing The University of Texas at Tyler 3900 University Blvd Tyler, Texas 75799 USA Courtney Vanhook Gould Killian CPA Group, P.A. 100 Coxe Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 USA Philip Little Professor of Accounting Coastal Carolina University P.O. Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528 USA Abstract Prior research has found mixed results on the utility of peer assessment as either a proxy for instructor grading or a means of providing ungraded feedback to peers. This study examined the correlation between peer-assessed and instructor-assessed research presentations in a graduate federal income taxation class over several semesters. Using identical criteria articulated in a grading rubric, both peer and instructor assessments were used to determine grades on the research presentations and to provide feedback to the presenters. The study found that although student-assigned grades were significantly higher than instructor-assigned grades both overall and across criteria, the student- and instructor-assigned grades tended to move in the same direction across students and criteria. These results suggest that peer assessment may not be suitable as a proxy for instructor grading but may be useful in providing ungraded feedback. Keywords: peer assessment, higher education, verbal presentations, taxation 1. Background Instructors often have students assess peer work. Sadler and Good (2006) noted that having peers assess others‟ work enabled teachers to enrich the learning processes by allowing them to employ more open-ended and sophisticated assessments with minimal encroachment upon a critical resource--the teacher‟s time. When teachers are pressed for time, they may compromise “…in the use of assessments that teachers feel are less than optimal but easier to grade” (Sadler and Good, 2006, p. 2). An additional efficiency associated with employing peer assessments is that students may receive more extensive and expedient feedback from peers than from a teacher (Gibbs, 1999).Efficiency is not the only benefit of employing peer assessment. The process of peer assessment may increase learning and understanding and provide students with desirable workplace skills. The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 90 Kerr and Park (1995) asserted that if students go on to fulfill leadership positions, they will need to know how to assess employees‟ performance as well as their own performance. Cassidy (2006) argued that peer assessment increased employability because it offers students the opportunity to learn a valuable job-related skill--how to assess peers. The developmental and evaluative benefits to students included giving and receiving constructive feedback, which are critical skills important for future employment (Henning and Marty, 2008). Another benefit of peer assessment is its potential for increased learning of course-related material due to the student having to spend more time mastering the material in order to complete peer assessment (van Hattum-Janssen & Lourenço, 2006; Walker & Warhurst, 2000). van Hattum-Janssen and Lourence (2006) offered another reason for increased mastery of subject content in that as students became more responsible for their own education, they also became more motivated learners. Increased learning may also be attributable to the desire of students to perform well because they know that a peer will evaluate their work (Pecham 1978). Liu and Carless (2006) argued that the process of expressing and articulating to others in a peer assessment process enables students to understand at higher levels of complexity. Much of the research of peer assessment has focused on the reliability of peer grades. Kerr and Park (1995) found that students gave higher grades than the instructor. They noted, however, that students were able to distinguish good work from bad work and suggested that the use of clear grading guidelines and practice through repeated peer assessments may improve students‟ abilities to assess the work of others. Fahr, Cannella, and Bedeian (1991) found that the leniency of student grading of peers is context sensitive. Peer raters tended to grade more leniently across both peers and dimensions of an assignment when the ratings were used for evaluative purposes than when used for developmental purposes. van Hattum-Janssen and Lourence (2006) suggested that students should be familiarized with the criteria that are being used for grading in order for peer assessment to be accurate and effective. Similarly, Sadler and Good (2006) found that when students had training and a rubric to utilize, the correlation between student grading and instructor grading was very high. Walker and Warhurst (2000) found that students had a better understanding of their responsibilities as an assessor when they are involved in the process of developing the grading criteria. Whether or not students participate in their development, grading criteria requiring a student to possess knowledge of course material should include more specific guidance than qualitative criteria, since it is assumed that the student has some level of comprehension about those criteria already (van Hattum-Janssen & Lourenço, 2006). Cho and Wilson (2006) concluded that peer assessment was reliable only when four to six student-given grades were averaged. Another study found that peer assessment was more reliable than self-assessment and that peer assessment improved with practice (Papinczak, Young, Graves and Haynes, 2007). Study findings indicate that the more students are exposed to peer assessment, the more capable and effective a student becomes at assessment (Kerr & Park, 1995; Liu & Carless, 2006).Other studies have examined student opinions about the use of peer assessments in both developmental and evaluative contexts. Cassidy (2006) found that students had a more positive outlook on peer assessment when it was used for formative feedback (developmental context) rather than for summative assessment (evaluative context). Overall, students expressed a positive attitude toward peer assessment but were more comfortable with being assessed than with assessing. Davis et. al (2007), who employed the terms continuous improvement and accountability rather than formative and summative, stated that student frustration occurred due to the clashing of these two purposes of peer assessment. The authors sought to address students‟ concerns over the subjectivity inherent to multiple assessors by developing rubrics for peer assessments in future courses. Cho, Schunn, and Wilson (2006) concluded that even though student grading was reliable, students still did not trust the validity of peer grading. Liu and Carless (2006) distinguish peer assessment from peer feedback. They define peer feedback as a process of communicating “rich detailed comments” related to performance standards, and peer assessment as grading, whether or not feedback is provided (Liu and Carless, 2006, p. 280). In their view, feedback is a precursor to assessment and has greater potential for enhancing learning than assessment. They argued that prior research has too closely focused on peer assessment by over-emphasizing the reliability of peer measures, generally measured as the correlation of peer assessments with those of the instructor. They contend that prior research has proved the reliability of peer assessors and that the focus of research should shift to evaluating the merits of peer assessment in the learning processes.Liu and Carless (2006) based their conclusions in part on the work of Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000), who conducted a meta-analysis of forty-eight prior empirical studies of the reliability of peer assessments. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 23 [Special Issue – December 2011] 91 Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found high correlations between peer assessments and those of instructors, suggesting that peer assessments have high reliability. Reliability was high across various peer assessment contexts, including global versus dimensional assessments, subject area assessments, nature of task involved, class level, number of peer assessors and student involvement in identifying dimensions of assessment. Of particular interest to the current study are four findings. One, Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found no differences in reliability between introductory (year 1), intermediate (year 2) and advanced courses (year 3 and above). Two, business and management peers tend to over-mark peers relative to their instructors. Three, they found lower correlations when the number of peer assessors was large (more than twenty) than when the number of assessors was lower. Finally, they found greater reliability when peers were asked to provide a global assessment without specific criteria than when peers were asked to assess multiple dimensions or criteria. 2. Purpose of the Study The Core Competency Framework of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) stresses the importance of good communication skills in both the functional (technical) and personal (individual attributes and values) competencies desired of those entering public accounting (AICPA, 2005). Accounting professionals are called upon to communicate financial and non-financial information so that it is understood by individuals with diverse capabilities and interests. Individuals entering the accounting profession should have the skills necessary to give and exchange information within a meaningful context and with appropriate delivery. They should have the ability to listen, deliver powerful presentations (emphasis added) and produce examples of effective business writing (AICPA, 2003). Lin, Grace, Krishnan and Gilsdorf (2010) found significant differences between the perceptions of accounting students about the importance of communication skills and those of accounting professionals. Accounting professionals value writing and speaking skills much more than accounting students. One way to close the gap between accounting students‟ and professionals‟ perceptions about the importance of communication skills might be to engage accounting students in providing peer feedback on communication skills. This idea would be consistent with Liu and Carless‟ (2006) argument that students who are engaged in peer feedback develop the self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. It is also consistent with the findings of Kerr and Park (1995) and Cassidy (2006) that assessing one‟s peers provides students with meaningful work-place skills. If peer feedback is to be useful in addressing the skills necessary for accounting students to be good communicators, it must include feedback on specific criteria that are associated with effective communication skills. This potentially creates a reliability problem if peer assessment is used for evaluative purposes, since peer assessment of specific criteria was found to be less reliable than global assessment (Falchikov and Goldfinch, 2000). The current study addresses this potential reliability problem in two ways. First, the sample included only graduate students. Though Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found no differences in reliability between introductory, intermediate and advanced courses, they defined advanced courses as those offered in year 3 and above. The students in this study are in their 5th year of college work at a minimum. Second, many of the students in this study had workplace experience—some in their first few years of employment but also others who had extensive workplace experience both in and outside of the accounting field. If these students had gained experience in evaluating peers and subordinates in the workplace, this may be reflected in higher reliability of peer assessments. 3. Method The study was conducted in a graduate-level federal income tax class. Three semesters of data were collected from peer and instructor assessments of presentations of tax research cases. Research cases were assigned to teams of three or four students with a different student taking the lead for the research case. The cases were assigned such that each student had at least one opportunity to lead and present during the semester. The leader was responsible for presenting the results to the rest of the class and fielding questions following the presentation. Three to four cases were presented each week, with presentations lasting from twenty to thirty minutes each. A total of 57 students resulted in 68 observations. The first semester included data from 25 students, 3 of whom presented twice for a total of 28 observations. The second semester of data included 14 students, 8 of whom presented twice for a total of 22 observations. The third semester included data from 18 students, none of whom presented twice.The instructor provided the peer graders with a rubric that contained the criteria and evaluation-level definitions prior to the assessments. The rubric is presented in Figure 1. The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 92 The criteria were selected because the student was already assumed to possess an understanding of their meaning and use. Therefore, a student would not need to have a prior knowledge of federal income taxation during the presentation since only the presenter‟s skills, and not the material being presented was being assessed. At the end of each presentation, students were given time to complete the rubric with their assessment ratings and to provide written comments. To maintain anonymity, raters were asked not to sign the rubrics nor make any remark that might identify the rater. To assign a grade to the presentations, the categories “Poor”, “Fair”, “Good”, and “Exemplary” were assigned numerical values of 65, 75, 85 and 100, respectively. Occasionally, a rater would mark a criterion as being between two levels. In those cases, grades of 70, 80, or 92 were assigned. The final assessment grade was computed by first averaging the grades assigned by peers and then averaging the peer grade with the instructor‟s grade. Figure 1: Presentation Evaluation Rubric Criteria Poor Fair Good Exemplary Organization Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Subject Knowledge Student does not have grasp of information/student cannot answer questions about subject. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Some information is confusing, incorrect or flawed. Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate. Information is clear, appropriate, and correct. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. Authoritative Support Student uses only secondary authority or misapplies/misinterprets primary authority. Student uses some primary authority but fails to summarize in clear, succinct manner. Student uses some primary authority, applied correctly and summarized clearly. Student uses ample primary authority, applied correctly and summarized in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand manner. Design Screens are either confusing or cluttered or barren and stark. Fonts are inconsistent, confusing and cannot be read from the back of the room. Text size reinforces importance of concepts. Fonts are consistent and easy to read. Text, color, contrast are combined to reinforce each other and add impact. Verbal Skills Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Speech has many pauses. Student‟s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficult hearing presentation. Speech has several pauses. Student‟s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Speech has few pauses. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Speech is fluid. Eye Contact Student reads all of report with no eye contact. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report. Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. 4. Results Table 1 contains the mean and standard deviation for both peer- and instructor-assigned grades for each of the six grading criteria. For each criterion, the instructor‟s grade was lower than that assigned by peers, and with one exception, the standard deviations were larger. This result is consistent with Kerr and Park‟s (1995) conclusion that peer grades are generally higher than those assigned by instructors and with Falchikov and Goldfinch‟s (2000) findings that business and management students tend to overrate their peers relative to ratings assigned by instructors. Pearson correlation coefficients range from a low of 0.29 for “Design” to highs of 0.51 for “Verbal Presentation” and 0.56 for “Eye Contact.” Although each of the correlations is significant, they are relatively low, a finding which suggests that peer-assigned grades may not be a suitable substitute for instructor-assigned grades. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 23 [Special Issue – December 2011] 93 Table 1: Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlations for Presentation Grading by Criterion Peer Grade Instructor Grade Criterion Mean S.D. Mean S.D. r p value (2 tailed) Organization 92.29 8.00 87.97 9.64 0.38 0.001 Subject Knowledge 91.23 8.23 87.53 8.62 0.37 0.002 Authoritative Support 92.75 8.16 88.35 8.92 0.32 0.007 Design 91.97 8.06 90.77 8.07 0.29 0.017 Verbal Presentation 91.38 8.53 88.89 7.64 0.51 <0.001 Eye Contact 91.61 8.65 88.13 8.77 0.56 <0.001 Figure 2 contains a graphical representation of the means summarized in Table 1. The direction of grades across the criteria is consistent between the instructor and peer with the exception of “Design.” This suggests that the interaction effect between grader and criterion may be of interest in determining whether peer grades may be useful for feedback purposes. If this effect is significant, then presenters may not garner peer feedback that adequately mirrors the feedback they might receive from an instructor. Figure 2: Graphical Representation of Means Table 2 contains the results of an ANOVA. All of the primary variables were significant. The fact that grader was significant indicates that the instructor gave higher grades than did peers. The interactions of greatest interest were those between student and grader and between criterion and grader. The significant student-grader interaction indicates that the difference between the instructor‟s grade and that of the peers is greater for some students than for others. This confirms our prior suggestion that peer grades are not a satisfactory substitute for those assigned by an instructor. Though we had no means to test our results against those assigned by students in introductory- or intermediate-level courses, the results are consistent with those of Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000), who found low reliability of grades assigned by students in advanced courses. A finding that interaction between criterion and grader was statistically significant would have implied that the difference between peer grades and the instructor‟s grades was greater for some criterion than others. The fact that it is not significant, therefore, may lend credence to the suggested use of peer evaluation as a feedback mechanism rather than as a grade substitute, especially considering the representations we see in Figure 1. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Peer Instructor The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 94 Table 2: Analysis of Variance for Presentation Grading Source Df Sums of Squares M2 F Ratio P Student 67 60,225.50 89.89 15.44 <.0001 Criterion 5 1834.85 366.97 6.30 <.0001 Grader 1 4094.74 4094.74 70.31 <.0001 Student*Criterion 335 36816.19 109.90 1.89 <.0001 Student*Grader 67 10084.05 150.51 2.58 <.0001 Criterion*Grader 5 480.68 96.14 1.65 0.1430 Student*Criterion*Grader 334 14181.80 42.46 0.73 0.9999 Model 814 127717.81 156.90 2.69 <.0001 Error 6233 362980.16 58.24 Total 7047 460697.97 5. Discussion We compared grades given by peers to those given by an instructor in a graduate federal income taxation class over three semesters. Our results confirmed prior findings that peer grades are significantly higher than those of the instructor and, therefore, that peer grades are not a good substitute for instructor grades even when students may have more subject knowledge and greater workplace experience. Experience was presumed in this study because the students were older and had more workplace experience in a professional field than may have been the case in prior research. Future research may help determine whether workplace experience in evaluating peers might close the gap between peer and instructor grading. The differences between student-assigned and instructor-assigned grades were generally uni-directional and did not significantly differ. This suggests that peer grades may be a useful feedback tool for either ungraded presentations or where practice presentations precede a graded one. References American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2003). Core competency framework. Retrieved from http://www.aicpa-eca.org/library/ccf/competencies/default.asp Cassidy, S. (2006). Developing employability skills: peer assessment in higher education. Education + Training, 48(7), 508-517. Cho, K., Schunn, C. D., & Wilson, R. W. (2006). Validity and reliability of scaffolded peer assessment of writing from instructor and student perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(4), 891-901. Davis, N. T., Kumtepe, E. G. & Aydeniz, M. (2007). Fostering continuous improvement and learning through peer assessment: Part of an integral model of assessment. Educational Assessment, 12(2), 113-135. Falchikov, N. & Goldfinch, J. (2000, Fall). Student peer assessment in higher education: A meta analysis comparing peer and teacher marks. Review of Educational Research, 70(3), 287-322. Farh, J. L., Cannella, Jr. A. A., & Bedeian, A. G. (1991, December). The impact of purpose on rating quality and user acceptance. Group and Organization Studies, 16(4), 367-386. Henning, J. M., & Marty, M. C. (2008). A Practical Guide to Implementing Peer Assessment in Athletic Training Education. Athletic Therapy Today, 13(3), 30-33. Kerr, P., & Park, K. (1995, July/Aug). Peer grading of essays in a principles of microeconomics course. Journal of Education for Business, 70(6), 357-361. Liu, N. F. (2005). Hong Kong academics; and students; perceptions of assessment purposes and practices. Learning Oriented Assessment Project report, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Liu, N., & Carless, D. (2006). Peer feedback: the learning element of peer assessment. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), 279-290. Papinczak, T., Young, L., Groves, M., & Haynes, M. (2007). An analysis of peer, self, and tutor assessment in problem-based learning tutorials. Medical Teacher, 29(5), e122-132. Sadler, P. M., & Good, E. (2006). The impact of self- and peer-grading on student learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31. van Hattum-Janssen, N., & Lourenço, J. M. (December 2006). Explicitness of criteria in peer assessment processes for first-year engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 31(6), 683-691. Walker, M., & Warhurst, C. (2000). „In most classes you sit around very quietly at a table and get lectured at …‟: debates, assessment and student learning. Teaching in Higher Education, 5(1), 33-49. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Developmental and Evaluative Contextual Usage of Peer Assessment of Research Presentations in a Graduate Tax Accounting Course Roger Lirely Professor of Accounting The University of Texas at Tyler 3900 University Blvd Tyler, Texas 75799 USA Kerri M. Keech Assistant Professor of Marketing The University of Texas at Tyler 3900 University Blvd Tyler, Texas 75799 USA Courtney Vanhook Gould Killian CPA Group, P.A. 100 Coxe Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 USA Philip Little Professor of Accounting Coastal Carolina University P.O. Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528 USA Abstract Prior research has found mixed results on the utility of peer assessment as either a proxy for instructor grading or a means of providing ungraded feedback to peers. This study examined the correlation between peer-assessed and instructor-assessed research presentations in a graduate federal income taxation class over several semesters. Using identical criteria articulated in a grading rubric, both peer and instructor assessments were used to determine grades on the research presentations and to provide feedback to the presenters. The study found that although student-assigned grades were significantly higher than instructor-assigned grades both overall and across criteria, the student- and instructor-assigned grades tended to move in the same direction across students and criteria. These results suggest that peer assessment may not be suitable as a proxy for instructor grading but may be useful in providing ungraded feedback. Keywords: peer assessment, higher education, verbal presentations, taxation 1. Background Instructors often have students assess peer work. Sadler and Good (2006) noted that having peers assess others‟ work enabled teachers to enrich the learning processes by allowing them to employ more open-ended and sophisticated assessments with minimal encroachment upon a critical resource--the teacher‟s time. When teachers are pressed for time, they may compromise “…in the use of assessments that teachers feel are less than optimal but easier to grade” (Sadler and Good, 2006, p. 2). An additional efficiency associated with employing peer assessments is that students may receive more extensive and expedient feedback from peers than from a teacher (Gibbs, 1999).Efficiency is not the only benefit of employing peer assessment. The process of peer assessment may increase learning and understanding and provide students with desirable workplace skills. The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 90 Kerr and Park (1995) asserted that if students go on to fulfill leadership positions, they will need to know how to assess employees‟ performance as well as their own performance. Cassidy (2006) argued that peer assessment increased employability because it offers students the opportunity to learn a valuable job-related skill--how to assess peers. The developmental and evaluative benefits to students included giving and receiving constructive feedback, which are critical skills important for future employment (Henning and Marty, 2008). Another benefit of peer assessment is its potential for increased learning of course-related material due to the student having to spend more time mastering the material in order to complete peer assessment (van Hattum-Janssen & Lourenço, 2006; Walker & Warhurst, 2000). van Hattum-Janssen and Lourence (2006) offered another reason for increased mastery of subject content in that as students became more responsible for their own education, they also became more motivated learners. Increased learning may also be attributable to the desire of students to perform well because they know that a peer will evaluate their work (Pecham 1978). Liu and Carless (2006) argued that the process of expressing and articulating to others in a peer assessment process enables students to understand at higher levels of complexity. Much of the research of peer assessment has focused on the reliability of peer grades. Kerr and Park (1995) found that students gave higher grades than the instructor. They noted, however, that students were able to distinguish good work from bad work and suggested that the use of clear grading guidelines and practice through repeated peer assessments may improve students‟ abilities to assess the work of others. Fahr, Cannella, and Bedeian (1991) found that the leniency of student grading of peers is context sensitive. Peer raters tended to grade more leniently across both peers and dimensions of an assignment when the ratings were used for evaluative purposes than when used for developmental purposes. van Hattum-Janssen and Lourence (2006) suggested that students should be familiarized with the criteria that are being used for grading in order for peer assessment to be accurate and effective. Similarly, Sadler and Good (2006) found that when students had training and a rubric to utilize, the correlation between student grading and instructor grading was very high. Walker and Warhurst (2000) found that students had a better understanding of their responsibilities as an assessor when they are involved in the process of developing the grading criteria. Whether or not students participate in their development, grading criteria requiring a student to possess knowledge of course material should include more specific guidance than qualitative criteria, since it is assumed that the student has some level of comprehension about those criteria already (van Hattum-Janssen & Lourenço, 2006). Cho and Wilson (2006) concluded that peer assessment was reliable only when four to six student-given grades were averaged. Another study found that peer assessment was more reliable than self-assessment and that peer assessment improved with practice (Papinczak, Young, Graves and Haynes, 2007). Study findings indicate that the more students are exposed to peer assessment, the more capable and effective a student becomes at assessment (Kerr & Park, 1995; Liu & Carless, 2006).Other studies have examined student opinions about the use of peer assessments in both developmental and evaluative contexts. Cassidy (2006) found that students had a more positive outlook on peer assessment when it was used for formative feedback (developmental context) rather than for summative assessment (evaluative context). Overall, students expressed a positive attitude toward peer assessment but were more comfortable with being assessed than with assessing. Davis et. al (2007), who employed the terms continuous improvement and accountability rather than formative and summative, stated that student frustration occurred due to the clashing of these two purposes of peer assessment. The authors sought to address students‟ concerns over the subjectivity inherent to multiple assessors by developing rubrics for peer assessments in future courses. Cho, Schunn, and Wilson (2006) concluded that even though student grading was reliable, students still did not trust the validity of peer grading. Liu and Carless (2006) distinguish peer assessment from peer feedback. They define peer feedback as a process of communicating “rich detailed comments” related to performance standards, and peer assessment as grading, whether or not feedback is provided (Liu and Carless, 2006, p. 280). In their view, feedback is a precursor to assessment and has greater potential for enhancing learning than assessment. They argued that prior research has too closely focused on peer assessment by over-emphasizing the reliability of peer measures, generally measured as the correlation of peer assessments with those of the instructor. They contend that prior research has proved the reliability of peer assessors and that the focus of research should shift to evaluating the merits of peer assessment in the learning processes.Liu and Carless (2006) based their conclusions in part on the work of Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000), who conducted a meta-analysis of forty-eight prior empirical studies of the reliability of peer assessments. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 23 [Special Issue – December 2011] 91 Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found high correlations between peer assessments and those of instructors, suggesting that peer assessments have high reliability. Reliability was high across various peer assessment contexts, including global versus dimensional assessments, subject area assessments, nature of task involved, class level, number of peer assessors and student involvement in identifying dimensions of assessment. Of particular interest to the current study are four findings. One, Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found no differences in reliability between introductory (year 1), intermediate (year 2) and advanced courses (year 3 and above). Two, business and management peers tend to over-mark peers relative to their instructors. Three, they found lower correlations when the number of peer assessors was large (more than twenty) than when the number of assessors was lower. Finally, they found greater reliability when peers were asked to provide a global assessment without specific criteria than when peers were asked to assess multiple dimensions or criteria. 2. Purpose of the Study The Core Competency Framework of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) stresses the importance of good communication skills in both the functional (technical) and personal (individual attributes and values) competencies desired of those entering public accounting (AICPA, 2005). Accounting professionals are called upon to communicate financial and non-financial information so that it is understood by individuals with diverse capabilities and interests. Individuals entering the accounting profession should have the skills necessary to give and exchange information within a meaningful context and with appropriate delivery. They should have the ability to listen, deliver powerful presentations (emphasis added) and produce examples of effective business writing (AICPA, 2003). Lin, Grace, Krishnan and Gilsdorf (2010) found significant differences between the perceptions of accounting students about the importance of communication skills and those of accounting professionals. Accounting professionals value writing and speaking skills much more than accounting students. One way to close the gap between accounting students‟ and professionals‟ perceptions about the importance of communication skills might be to engage accounting students in providing peer feedback on communication skills. This idea would be consistent with Liu and Carless‟ (2006) argument that students who are engaged in peer feedback develop the self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. It is also consistent with the findings of Kerr and Park (1995) and Cassidy (2006) that assessing one‟s peers provides students with meaningful work-place skills. If peer feedback is to be useful in addressing the skills necessary for accounting students to be good communicators, it must include feedback on specific criteria that are associated with effective communication skills. This potentially creates a reliability problem if peer assessment is used for evaluative purposes, since peer assessment of specific criteria was found to be less reliable than global assessment (Falchikov and Goldfinch, 2000). The current study addresses this potential reliability problem in two ways. First, the sample included only graduate students. Though Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000) found no differences in reliability between introductory, intermediate and advanced courses, they defined advanced courses as those offered in year 3 and above. The students in this study are in their 5th year of college work at a minimum. Second, many of the students in this study had workplace experience—some in their first few years of employment but also others who had extensive workplace experience both in and outside of the accounting field. If these students had gained experience in evaluating peers and subordinates in the workplace, this may be reflected in higher reliability of peer assessments. 3. Method The study was conducted in a graduate-level federal income tax class. Three semesters of data were collected from peer and instructor assessments of presentations of tax research cases. Research cases were assigned to teams of three or four students with a different student taking the lead for the research case. The cases were assigned such that each student had at least one opportunity to lead and present during the semester. The leader was responsible for presenting the results to the rest of the class and fielding questions following the presentation. Three to four cases were presented each week, with presentations lasting from twenty to thirty minutes each. A total of 57 students resulted in 68 observations. The first semester included data from 25 students, 3 of whom presented twice for a total of 28 observations. The second semester of data included 14 students, 8 of whom presented twice for a total of 22 observations. The third semester included data from 18 students, none of whom presented twice.The instructor provided the peer graders with a rubric that contained the criteria and evaluation-level definitions prior to the assessments. The rubric is presented in Figure 1. The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 92 The criteria were selected because the student was already assumed to possess an understanding of their meaning and use. Therefore, a student would not need to have a prior knowledge of federal income taxation during the presentation since only the presenter‟s skills, and not the material being presented was being assessed. At the end of each presentation, students were given time to complete the rubric with their assessment ratings and to provide written comments. To maintain anonymity, raters were asked not to sign the rubrics nor make any remark that might identify the rater. To assign a grade to the presentations, the categories “Poor”, “Fair”, “Good”, and “Exemplary” were assigned numerical values of 65, 75, 85 and 100, respectively. Occasionally, a rater would mark a criterion as being between two levels. In those cases, grades of 70, 80, or 92 were assigned. The final assessment grade was computed by first averaging the grades assigned by peers and then averaging the peer grade with the instructor‟s grade. Figure 1: Presentation Evaluation Rubric Criteria Poor Fair Good Exemplary Organization Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Subject Knowledge Student does not have grasp of information/student cannot answer questions about subject. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions. Some information is confusing, incorrect or flawed. Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate. Information is clear, appropriate, and correct. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. Authoritative Support Student uses only secondary authority or misapplies/misinterprets primary authority. Student uses some primary authority but fails to summarize in clear, succinct manner. Student uses some primary authority, applied correctly and summarized clearly. Student uses ample primary authority, applied correctly and summarized in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand manner. Design Screens are either confusing or cluttered or barren and stark. Fonts are inconsistent, confusing and cannot be read from the back of the room. Text size reinforces importance of concepts. Fonts are consistent and easy to read. Text, color, contrast are combined to reinforce each other and add impact. Verbal Skills Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear. Speech has many pauses. Student‟s voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficult hearing presentation. Speech has several pauses. Student‟s voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation. Speech has few pauses. Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Speech is fluid. Eye Contact Student reads all of report with no eye contact. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report. Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes. Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes. 4. Results Table 1 contains the mean and standard deviation for both peer- and instructor-assigned grades for each of the six grading criteria. For each criterion, the instructor‟s grade was lower than that assigned by peers, and with one exception, the standard deviations were larger. This result is consistent with Kerr and Park‟s (1995) conclusion that peer grades are generally higher than those assigned by instructors and with Falchikov and Goldfinch‟s (2000) findings that business and management students tend to overrate their peers relative to ratings assigned by instructors. Pearson correlation coefficients range from a low of 0.29 for “Design” to highs of 0.51 for “Verbal Presentation” and 0.56 for “Eye Contact.” Although each of the correlations is significant, they are relatively low, a finding which suggests that peer-assigned grades may not be a suitable substitute for instructor-assigned grades. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 23 [Special Issue – December 2011] 93 Table 1: Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlations for Presentation Grading by Criterion Peer Grade Instructor Grade Criterion Mean S.D. Mean S.D. r p value (2 tailed) Organization 92.29 8.00 87.97 9.64 0.38 0.001 Subject Knowledge 91.23 8.23 87.53 8.62 0.37 0.002 Authoritative Support 92.75 8.16 88.35 8.92 0.32 0.007 Design 91.97 8.06 90.77 8.07 0.29 0.017 Verbal Presentation 91.38 8.53 88.89 7.64 0.51 <0.001 Eye Contact 91.61 8.65 88.13 8.77 0.56 <0.001 Figure 2 contains a graphical representation of the means summarized in Table 1. The direction of grades across the criteria is consistent between the instructor and peer with the exception of “Design.” This suggests that the interaction effect between grader and criterion may be of interest in determining whether peer grades may be useful for feedback purposes. If this effect is significant, then presenters may not garner peer feedback that adequately mirrors the feedback they might receive from an instructor. Figure 2: Graphical Representation of Means Table 2 contains the results of an ANOVA. All of the primary variables were significant. The fact that grader was significant indicates that the instructor gave higher grades than did peers. The interactions of greatest interest were those between student and grader and between criterion and grader. The significant student-grader interaction indicates that the difference between the instructor‟s grade and that of the peers is greater for some students than for others. This confirms our prior suggestion that peer grades are not a satisfactory substitute for those assigned by an instructor. Though we had no means to test our results against those assigned by students in introductory- or intermediate-level courses, the results are consistent with those of Falchikov and Goldfinch (2000), who found low reliability of grades assigned by students in advanced courses. A finding that interaction between criterion and grader was statistically significant would have implied that the difference between peer grades and the instructor‟s grades was greater for some criterion than others. The fact that it is not significant, therefore, may lend credence to the suggested use of peer evaluation as a feedback mechanism rather than as a grade substitute, especially considering the representations we see in Figure 1. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Peer Instructor The Special Issue on Arts, Commerce and Social Science © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 94 Table 2: Analysis of Variance for Presentation Grading Source Df Sums of Squares M2 F Ratio P Student 67 60,225.50 89.89 15.44 <.0001 Criterion 5 1834.85 366.97 6.30 <.0001 Grader 1 4094.74 4094.74 70.31 <.0001 Student*Criterion 335 36816.19 109.90 1.89 <.0001 Student*Grader 67 10084.05 150.51 2.58 <.0001 Criterion*Grader 5 480.68 96.14 1.65 0.1430 Student*Criterion*Grader 334 14181.80 42.46 0.73 0.9999 Model 814 127717.81 156.90 2.69 <.0001 Error 6233 362980.16 58.24 Total 7047 460697.97 5. Discussion We compared grades given by peers to those given by an instructor in a graduate federal income taxation class over three semesters. Our results confirmed prior findings that peer grades are significantly higher than those of the instructor and, therefore, that peer grades are not a good substitute for instructor grades even when students may have more subject knowledge and greater workplace experience. Experience was presumed in this study because the students were older and had more workplace experience in a professional field than may have been the case in prior research. Future research may help determine whether workplace experience in evaluating peers might close the gap between peer and instructor grading. The differences between student-assigned and instructor-assigned grades were generally uni-directional and did not significantly differ. This suggests that peer grades may be a useful feedback tool for either ungraded presentations or where practice presentations precede a graded one. References American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2003). Core competency framework. Retrieved from http://www.aicpa-eca.org/library/ccf/competencies/default.asp Cassidy, S. (2006). Developing employability skills: peer assessment in higher education. Education + Training, 48(7), 508-517. Cho, K., Schunn, C. D., & Wilson, R. W. (2006). Validity and reliability of scaffolded peer assessment of writing from instructor and student perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(4), 891-901. Davis, N. T., Kumtepe, E. G. & Aydeniz, M. (2007). Fostering continuous improvement and learning through peer assessment: Part of an integral model of assessment. Educational Assessment, 12(2), 113-135. Falchikov, N. & Goldfinch, J. (2000, Fall). Student peer assessment in higher education: A meta analysis comparing peer and teacher marks. Review of Educational Research, 70(3), 287-322. Farh, J. L., Cannella, Jr. A. A., & Bedeian, A. G. (1991, December). The impact of purpose on rating quality and user acceptance. Group and Organization Studies, 16(4), 367-386. Henning, J. M., & Marty, M. C. (2008). A Practical Guide to Implementing Peer Assessment in Athletic Training Education. Athletic Therapy Today, 13(3), 30-33. Kerr, P., & Park, K. (1995, July/Aug). Peer grading of essays in a principles of microeconomics course. Journal of Education for Business, 70(6), 357-361. Liu, N. F. (2005). Hong Kong academics; and students; perceptions of assessment purposes and practices. Learning Oriented Assessment Project report, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Liu, N., & Carless, D. (2006). Peer feedback: the learning element of peer assessment. Teaching in Higher Education, 11(3), 279-290. Papinczak, T., Young, L., Groves, M., & Haynes, M. (2007). An analysis of peer, self, and tutor assessment in problem-based learning tutorials. Medical Teacher, 29(5), e122-132. Sadler, P. M., & Good, E. (2006). The impact of self- and peer-grading on student learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31. van Hattum-Janssen, N., & Lourenço, J. M. (December 2006). Explicitness of criteria in peer assessment processes for first-year engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 31(6), 683-691. Walker, M., & Warhurst, C. (2000). „In most classes you sit around very quietly at a table and get lectured at …‟: debates, assessment and student learning. Teaching in Higher Education, 5(1), 33-49. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Rabu, 26 September 2012

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Senin, 24 September 2012

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Minggu, 23 September 2012

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Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno) Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno) Inilah sosok pejantan tangguh Indonesia. Lelaki yang tampak jelas wibawa dan kharismanya ini menjabat sebagai presiden pertama Indonesia pada tahun periode 1945 – 1966 yaitu Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno). Ir. Soekarno lahir di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 dari pasangan Sukemi Sosrodihardjo (seorang guru) dan Ida ayu Nyoman Rai (bangsawan Bali) yang lebih dikenal Idayu. Beliau meninggal di Jakarta, 21 Juni 1970 pada umur 69 tahun. Presiden Soekarno Ia adalah Proklamator Kemerdekaan Indonesia (bersama dengan Mohammad Hatta) pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. Soekarno atau biasa di panggil Bung Karno merupakan pencetus konsep mengenai dasar negara Indonesia dan menamainya Pancasila. Semasa hidupnya, beliau mempersunting tiga istri dan diberkahi delapan anak. Dari istri pertama Fatmawati dikaruniai anak Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati dan Guruh. Dari istri kedua Hartini mempunyai Taufan dan Bayu, sedangkan dari istri ketiga Ratna Sari Dewi, wanita turunan Jepang bernama asli Naoko Nemoto mempunyai anak Kartika. Di usia 13 tahun Soekarno kecil menyelesaikan sekolah Dasar Bumiputera di Mojokerto, melanjutkan kesekolah dasar Belanda dan lulus setahun kemudian dengan sekaligus mengantongi ijazah ujian calon pegawai negeri rendahan. Soekarno (Bung Karno) tinggal di rumah Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto (sahabat ayahnya Sukemi Sosrodihardjo). Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto adalah politisi kawakan pendiri Syarikat Islam. Kemudian Soekarno (Bung Karno) melanjutkan sekolah di HBS (Hoogere Burger School). Saat belajar di HBS itu, Soekarno telah menggembleng jiwa nasionalismenya. Selepas lulus HBS tahun 1920, pindah ke Bandung dan melanjut ke THS (Technische Hoogeschool atau sekolah Tekhnik Tinggi yang sekarang menjadi ITB). Ia berhasil meraih gelar “Ir” pada tanggal 25 Mei 1926. Presiden Soekarno Bersama Sartono, Anwari, Samsi Tilaar, Sujdjadi, Iskak Tjokroadisuryo, Budiarto Tjipto Mangunkusumo, dan Sunario, Ir. Soekarno (Bung Karno) merumuskan ajaran Marhaenisme dan mendirikan perserikatan Nasional Indonesia (PNI) yang kemudian diubah menjadi Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) pada 4 Juli 1927, dengan tujuan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dalam pembelaannya berjudul Indonesia Menggugat, beliau menunjukkan kemurtadan Belanda, bangsa yang mengaku lebih maju itu. Akibatnya, Belanda memenjarakannya di penjara Sukamiskin, Bandung 29 Desember 1929. Keluar dari penjara tahun 1932, aktivitasnya membakar semangat rakyat semakin gila. Lalu ia di tangkap lagi secara dadakan karena menyebarkan risalah Mencapai Indonesia Merdeka dan diasingkan ke ende Flores. Setelah 4 tahun dipengasingan ende, kemudian tanggal 14 Febuari 1938 Ir.Soekarno (Bung Karno) dipindahkan ke Bengkulu. Presiden Soekarno Presiden Soekarno Dalam sidang BPUPKI tanggal 1 Juni 1945, Ir.Soekarno mengemukakan gagasan tentang dasar negara yang disebutnya Pancasila. kemudian Tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Ir Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia yang di bacakan di kediaman Soekarno. Sehari setelah Indonesia merdeka, panitia persiapan kemerdekaan kemudian mengesahkan dalam sidang PPKI, 18 Agustus 1945 bahwa Ir.Soekarno terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta sebagai Wakilnya. Presiden Soekarno Perjuangan demi perjuangan Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno) bersama pejuang-pejuang rakyat Indonesia telah membawa bangsa ini dalam kemerdekaan yang mutlak. Namun setelah kejayaan Kepresidenannya dan apa yang telah di raih, ia mengalami kejatuhan. Dimulai sejak pengunduran diri Hatta dari kancah perpolitikan Indonesia pada tahun 1956, disusul dengan pemberontakan G-30-S/PKI, membuat Soekarno tidak dapat “memenuhi” cita-cita bangsa Indonesia yang makmur dan sejahtera. Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno) semakin terpuruk setelah pengangkatan Soeharto sebagai Presiden Indonesia yang Ke2 oleh MPR. Presiden Soekarno Kesehatan Soekarno (Bung Karno) sebagai mantan Presiden terus memburuk, ia jatuh sakit hingga sekarat karena tidak mendapatkan perawatan yang layak. Detik-detik akhir hidup mantan Presiden Soekarno (Bung Karno) seperti tiada arti, terbengkalai dengan penyakit-penyakit menggerogoti tubuhnya. Perjuangan dan Prestasi terbesar di jagat raya Indonesia ini yang ia dapat seakan angin lalu tak berbekas, ia benar-benar menderita bahkan sangat menderita. Hari Minggu, 21 Juni 1970 Soekarno (Bung Karno) meninggal dunia. Ia disemayamkan di Wisma Yaso, Jakarta dan dimakamkan di Blitar, Jatim di dekat makam ibundanya. Soekarno (Bung Karno) meninggal dengan membawa kemuliaan hidupnya dengan penghargaan dan sederet gelar lainya, termasuk 27 gelar doctor kehormatan. Presiden Soekarno Presiden Soekarno Pemerintah menganugerahkan Bung Karno sebagai Pahlawan Proklamasi. Soekarno (Bung Karno) memang Pahlawan Indonesia yang gagah berani “Jasa dan tentang mu tak akan terlupakan hingga hancur Bumi”. Adakah Soekarno (Bung Karno) lainnya di ZAMAN sekarang?